[Tutorial] How To Flash Acer Z120 to Stock Firmware and Flash Tools

How To Flash Acer Z120 to Stock Firmware and Flash Tools

I wanna share here How To Flash Acer Z120 to Stock Firmware using Flash Tools.Do the flashing if Performing a hard reset on your phone not fixing your problem.First thing first,make sure your battery have 70 to 80% charge before proceed to flashing..


USB Mini Cable
SP Flash Tool v3.1252...http://d-h.st/ND5
Dump Stock ROM Z120.rar...https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9cv...OWs/edit?pli=1


1. Install driver first (just connect phone to pc or use adb installer for driver installation, then unplug it if driver installed properly)
2. Extract/Open SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1252
3. Click "Scatter-loading"then browse "MT6575_Android_scatter_emmc"inside the Firmware.
4. Hit Download button.
5. Hold volume down then connect to PC and wait until flashing is done.

Disclaimer:Always do at your own risks

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